Marcelo Kuperman
Áreas de investigación, desarrollo y/o tecnología
- Sistemas Complejos
Públicaciones y/o Actividades Tecnológicas
- M. Kuperman, G. Abramson, Small World effects in an epidemiological model Physical Review Letters 86, 2909.
- G. Abramson and M. Kuperman Social games in social networks Physical Review E 63, 030901R-(1-4).(Rap. comm.). (2001).
- S. Bouzat, M.N. Kuperman Game theory in models of pedestrian room evacuation Physical Review E 89, 032806 (2014) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.89.032806.
- M. Fuentes, M. N. Kuperman, V. M. Kenkre Non-local Interaction Effects on Pattern Formation in Population Dynamics Physical Review Letters 91,158104 (1-4) (2003).
- LA Garibaldi, FJ Oddi, FE Miguez, I Bartomeus, MC Orr, EG Jobbágy, et al. Working landscapes need at least 20% native habitat Conservation Letters, e12773 (2020).